3-(2,3-Epoxypropoxy)propyltrimethoxysilane CAS:2530-83-8
RS-O187 Typical Benefits: Improves dry and wet strength in cured composites reinforced with glass fiber rovings. Enhances wet electrical properties of epoxy-based encapsulate and packaging materials. Eliminates the need for a separate primer in polysulfide and urethane sealants. Improves adhesion in waterbome acrylic sealants and in urethane and epoxy coatings.
Trimethoxysilane CAS:2487-90-3
Used as an intermediate for other functional organosilanes
3-Methacry loxy propy ltrime thoxy silane CAS:2530-85-0
Improve strength as glass fiber size composite in reinforced polyester composites. Enhance initial and wet strength of reinforced polyester resin composites,like synthetic marble(artificial marble),artificial quartz. Enhances the wet electrical properties of many mineral-filled and reinforced composites. Crosslinks acrylic type resins improving adhesion and durability of adhesives and coatings..